What have we been up to in 2023?

by | Jan 15, 2024 | News Articles

Every year, we like to provide an update on our projects, offering you insights into what we are working on and what is on the horizon. On November 14th, we hosted an online event for individuals with DRPLA and their family members in which Dr. Silvia Prades gave an update on the projects funded by CureDRPLA.

­­­Silvia’s talk was followed by a Q&A session with Dr Yael Shiloh-Malawsky from the University of North Carolina and Dr Hector Garcia-Moreno from University College London, experts in DRPLA. This event was tailor-made for individuals with DRPLA, their families, and caregivers, providing them with the opportunity to ask questions and connect with fellow individuals who share similar experiences.

Silvia recorded her talk so that people can watch it on demand – watch it on YouTube!

Even though the video delves into research, rest assured we have explained it all in lay terms to ensure everyone can follow along with ease.

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